Cornhole Board Decals – Create the most talked about cornhole boards!

Customize your boring cornhole board with decals

There are a lot of amazing cornhole board designs out there that come ready to play.  You can find everything from your favorite college or professional sports teams, to camouflage patterns, and of course the all time favorite American flag.

While these boards look great, they don’t necessarily have that personal touch and aren’t one of a kind.  You might in fact see the exact same board at a tailgate party or backyard BBQ….the shame!  That is one cornhole faux pas you want to avoid my friend.

Be Unique – Create a cornhole board that is 110% you!

The goal here is to create an unique set of boards that convey your passion, interests or general weirdness.  Start simple and work up to your masterpiece from there.

As an example, say you are a Seahawks fan.  If you want to be unique, you don’t just purchase a set of Seattle Seahawks boards and call it done.  Anyone can do that….but not you, you are special.  You need to take your game to the next level and make that board unique.  Grab some vinyl wraps that look like a football field…add some Seahawks logos and now we are talking one of a kind cornhole boards!

But don’t stop there…add a cornhole light, and you have a board that gets attention day and night!  Now you have a 110% unique cornhole board you and the Seahawks would be proud of!
(In case you were wondering, that extra 10% in the 110% is love.)

Resurrect the Dead – Bring an old board back to life

I’ve seen old beat up cars, guitars, skateboards, laptops, snowboards and even luggage be brought back to life thanks to the humble little vinyl decal.  When alone, a single vinyl decal doesn’t say much and doesn’t get much more than “Hmm, cool sticker“.

But starting adding more, and more and the a little more…they begin to build upon themselves.  Before you know it, they take on a life of their own.

Old Truck with Stickers

While not the pretties looking truck, it is definitely interesting and draws attention.   So why not add some life to your boring old cornhole boards with and array of vinyl decals?  Amazon has some sets that include some fun and crazy decals (200 decals for under $10) that will blow minds!

Cornhole boards plus vinyl decals equals wow!

What are you waiting for?  Click on the image above to browse some of the random styles and different cool and mysterious patterns available.

Custom Decals – Cornhole boards with a personal touch

I know, “cornhole” and “personal touch” are usually not words you want to hear in the same sentence.  But in this case it is a good thing, I promise.  There are companies out there that specialize in providing custom cut vinyl decals.  You provide them with the design you want (many even have design services, or graphics ready to go), and they print, cut and deliver them right to your door.

Can you think of a better wedding gift than “His” and “Hers” cornhole sets that commemorates their special day?

Or maybe there is a big family reunion coming up and you’d like something really unique and fun to show off.  Cornhole boards with the family crest and the year is classy!  Heck, you could even shrink the cornhole board design down to something like 2″x3″.  These would make amazing decal mementos for the family.

There really is no limit to the possibilities here.  Anything you can think up can be made into a decal.  You make it and then stick it on those boring old cornhole boards.  We’ve used in the past and have been very happy with the quality of their decals.

So what are you waiting for?

Right now the weather isn’t so great.  Unless you have a place to play indoors, the odds are good that your cornhole boards are just sitting out in the garage or shed collecting dust.  There is no better time then now to pull them out, dust them off, and begin customizing them for the coming season.

Make your boards uniquely yours and just wait and see how much attention you get at the next BBQ.  OK, maybe your boards will be getting the attention….but by proxy, you will share in some of that glorious attention.  Just don’t make the boards look so good that you can’t actually play on them!  (Either because folks all swarm around the boards every time you bring them out. Or because you’ve created a work of art that should be hanging in a museum somewhere in the mid-west.)

Now, go to work spicing up those old boards and have fun!

As always, we love to hear your comments and stories.  If you have a customized board, why not share it with the community!  We look forward to hearing from you all!

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

8 thoughts on “Cornhole Board Decals – Create the most talked about cornhole boards!

  1. Hi there,
    Very interesting article. After reading your post, I will never have boring board anymore. You are absolutely right, we should more creative and put things alive
    I love the truck example which demonstrate you can bring back to “live” anything
    Thank you again for this great post that I will definitely recommend

    1. Hello and thank you for your feedback.  For sure cornhole boards don’t have to be boring!  I also think they can be such an amazing conversation starter.  Using the truck as an example…imagine if your cornhole boards had that much character…people couldn’t stop talking about them!

      Hope to see you back!  Be sure to share your cornhole board pictures and experiences if you get the change.

  2. This is certainly the first time I ever read about corn hole boards and the game that is played. And I read a lot on the internet and in books. So thank you for introducing this game and the way to make corn hole boards your own. Is this a local game of somewhere? I also like the idea of making a corn hole board unique to the world. People might come-up with the craziest ideas.

    1. Hello Jerry!  Thanks for taking the time to comment.  We are always happy to hear that we have introduced someone new to the game of cornhole.  You might find that in other parts of the US the game is called bean bag toss or baggo…but we just call it cornhole.  Believe it or not, there or two organizations for the game ACO and the ACA.  I’m planning on doing a review of the two to highlight the similarities and differences.

      If you want to learn a little more about the game you should check out Game History

      I hope you get a chance to play and fall in love with the game of cornhole!

  3. Hey there, Michael.

    I love the idea of sticking all of the stickers onto the Cornhole Boards! Especially because old boring boards will begin looking cool again!

    I actually own 2 packs of these stickers myself, as I love sticking them all over the cover of my sketchbooks and planners! 🙂 They look awesome!

    Thank you for the idea of what else I can do with them 😉

    1. Thanks for visiting us!  Vinyl stickers are pretty amazing and can be found in so many varieties.  And if you can’t find what you are looking for, it is not that expensive to have your own custom stickers created.

      By placing those stickers on you sketchbooks and planners, you make them uniquely your own.  I’m sure you have no trouble identifying yours thanks to all the cool stickers.

      So yeah, take some of those left over stickers and start dropping them on your cornhole boards, your bike or laptop, your neighbors car….um, well…maybe not your neighbors car. 😉

      Have fun and get out there an play!

  4. It is true that we all end up with the same type of boards thinking we are being clever until we see the same one at a friends house. I made this mistake with Packer decals.

    I’m not the type to go too crazy with the decals, as I like things to be unique but simple. However, I think that wrap around football field is very cool.

    1. Hello there Ernest, thanks for stopping by!

      Yes, there is a limit to creative cleverness….we all tend to think we are more creative than we really are.  (I’m guilty of that!)  Adding some of the more unique vinyl decals will help you avoid having almost identical cornhole boards and can kind of just be a fun organic thing that happens. 

      I think some of the coolest looking boards have come from years of adding a little something here and there. Kind of like an old RV with state and campground stickers all over it from years of traveling.  It tells a story!

      One idea is to pick up a set of vinyl stickers from Amazon and hand them out to players.  Let them decide where they want to place them.  Or better yet, only give out the stickers to someone when they get a cornhole!  After 20-30 games, there will be nothing like those boards in the entire world!

      Thanks again for commenting.  Now, get out there and have some fun!

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